Monday, April 16, 2007


Like a rose waiting to be plucked,

Gently she glowed,

Sweet from a reverie,

Eternal bliss,

Overlooking reality they fall in love.

Her lips like that of an angel,chaste and pure

Spoke to him all night long.

Her melifluent voice,

Entranced his world.

Separated by great distance,

They long to see each other,

Allured by the presence

Of the missing one.

She dreams sweet dreams,

Of them being together,

How she wished she could be in love forever!

Lost in thought,

Lost in love.

Two people so distinct,

Two souls akin,

They live their lives with a heart within.

The world seems lovely,

The wind feels pure,

Every song is beautiful,

Every pain endured,

The vigilant orb observes from above,

A mysterious tale of two strangers in love.

Alas! Its time for them to meet,

After ages apart will they to each other greet.

Beside the still waters do they stand,

He looks into her eyes and holds her hand.

His piercing gaze touched her soul,

Beneath those intense eyes was love so pure.


Anonymous said...

nice man .... really nice . At last someone who writes poems that can be understood . welcome to the world of blogger

Laxmi said...

whoa! blown way girl.. whos this for...:D??

Me said...

is this about..??? u know who im talking bout, right??

Unknown said...

lost in the words.. ;)